One .....
one as the first post and one as a month (approx. ..) to Girona World ....
The main purpose of this blog will be to keep interest alive for the soldiers also trying to involve the visitor (see survey).
first in this space, on a weekly basis, I will publish photos of the four subjects that would make up my display to WorldExpo 2008 next July.
This is still my first works completely self-made (heads included) and the choice of historical periods, made according to some collectors who have supported me in this new experience, is convinced fall outside the usual Napoleonic own to force me not to use shares as commercially available weapons, arms, hats, etc..
For now only show the figures are not painted, but whose pictures will be published immediately after the event.
So you will find, in chronological order:
1) no. Sassone Leichte Infanterie 1832/49
2) Pilot of the "Desperate" 1935
3) Montenegrino in Crimea 1855/56
4) no. 3/60th Rifles - 1879
HAVE FUN .... but do not laugh too!
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