Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Installing Hardwood In Multiple Rooms

Officer Pippo Inzaghi available on the App Store


The Red Carpet & Sport Management, a leader in the field of management and services for athletes, has SuperPippo , the first application for iPhone and iPod Touch, dedicated to none other than champion Filippo Inzaghi. The application is dedicated to the iPhone platform downloadable on Appstore (just go to this link or search http://www.itunes.com/app/superpippo on iTunes or App Store SuperPippo) during the promotional period, the launch price of € 1.59 instead of 2, 39 €.

The application will contain all the inside news on the sample, biography, and an overview of the presence of the player during last season, with lots of charts and lists of records. A review

web to date, viewed directly from the application, will always have at hand all necessary information for those who do not want to miss an appointment with the champion Filippo Inzaghi.

Application Superpippo by Red Carpet Sport will also contain a novelty: a direct channel of communication with the athlete in order to establish an instantaneous contact between the sample and its fans.

A complete application, designed for the true supporters of Pippo Inzaghi.

Buying SuperPippo AppStore during the promotional period, the launch price of € 1.59, will include, where available, all updates already planned for the full version of the application, available in the weeks after the offer price 2, 39 €. The updates are going to implement some features Software: videogallery with photos and pictures never seen before.

What are the next champions who will take on the Red Carpet Sports IPhone? Stay Tuned.

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The App Pippo Inzaghi available on the App Store The App


The Red Carpet & Sport Management, a leader in the field of management and services for athletes, has SuperPippo , the first application for iPhone and iPod Touch, dedicated to none other than champion Filippo Inzaghi. The application dedicated to the iPhone platform is available for download on the AppStore (just go to this link http://www.itunes.com/app/superpippo or search on iTunes or App Store SuperPippo) during the promotional period, the launch price of 1, 59 € instead of 2, 39 €.

The application will contain all the inside news on the sample, biography, and an overview of the presence of the player during last season, with lots of charts and lists of records. A review

web to date, viewed directly from the application, will always have at hand all necessary information for those not wanting to miss anything an appointment with the champion Filippo Inzaghi.

Application Superpippo by Red Carpet Sport will also contain a novelty: a direct channel of communication with the athlete in order to establish an instantaneous contact between the sample and its fans.

A complete application, designed for the true supporters of Pippo Inzaghi.

Buying SuperPippo AppStore during the promotional period, the launch price of € 1.59, will include, where available, all updates already planned for the full version of the application, available in the weeks after the offer price 2, 39 €. Updates will to implement certain features of the software: videogallery with photos and pictures never seen before.

What are the next champions who will take on the Red Carpet Sports IPhone? Stay Tuned.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Baby First Birthday Baseball Cap

Margherita Granbassi the cast of "Dancing with the Stars"

Margherita Granbassi will be one of the cast of the 2010 edition of "Dancing with the Stars" program, conducted by Milly Carlucci, airing Saturday night on RAI 1 as January 9.

The fencing champion from Trieste (individual gold medals at the 2006 World Cup, Individual and Team Bronze Medal at the 2008 Olympics, gold medal team at the World Cup in 2009) has decided to accept the call that the company's production program, the Ballandi Entertainment, had advanced through Red Carpet, the agency that manages his image and that of other top athletes, having carefully considered the compatibility of this engagement with outdoor activity.

"The fencing, at least until the 2012 London Olympics, it's my core business - declaring Granbassi - and comes first. A few months ago I gave up the opportunity that I had been offered to work for another year to year 0 because it would have taken too much time to the activity of fencing. I did not felt to engage again in a program that lasts almost nine months, in this case we are talking about instead of just over two months. "

participation in "Dancing with the Stars" but will not require the special sacrifices fencer in sports.

"I was confronted with Stefano Cerioni, coach of Italian national foil, and together we have seen how participation in the program is compatible with my sporting commitments. The evidence I have to do during the week can be freely and fit in time lasciatomi free from training. It is not yet developed the test program of the World Cup which will take part next year but I might be able to not even a jump. "

In terms of life choices "Dancing with the Stars" is outside the path that Margaret has drawn in recent years, first working with Sky Sports and then with Year 0.

"My plans do not change: my will, over the next three years, remains to make the experience in the communications sector in the hope, once completed the athletic activities, integrating them into the world of work relying on a minimum knowledge of the area in which I operate. "Dancing with the Stars" I consider it an opportunity to experience something new and fun that can only enrich me as a person. And then it is not said that it can not find within this framework of ideas to gain experience in the communications field. Since I love writing, I'm thinking of keeping a diary on my website in which to tell the behind the scenes of the program. "

Because Valentina Vezzali, but also attacking teammate Margaret on the platforms, he participated in last year's program, many will want to repeat their sports rivalry in this context.

"Truly, I hope I can count on for Valentina have some useful advice on how to deal with this new competition. Last year, though as fast as me to know in the field of dance, he behaved very well, managing to make huge improvements during the episodes. "

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Cake Boss Bride Destroys Cake

INZAGHI broke all records EVEN ON TV

reaching the best result ever
Milan, November 18, 2009 - "The AC Milan striker, Filippo Inzaghi GRINDING KEEPS RECORD AND NOT ONLY IN THE FIELD SPORTS."
was announced by Red Carpet & Sport Mangment companies by the image of the Rossoneri's number 9. "THE END OF " Chiambretti Night "Played last night, TUESDAY 'November 17, 18.80% OF THE SHARE (21:52% share in the commercial target 15-64 years) and 889,000 TOTAL VIEWERS TORI, THE BEST RECORD OF LISTENING ALWAYS "

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Installing Bulldog Remote Starter

Chiambretti Gallery Night November 11

Friday, September 4, 2009

The Role Of Aquatic Life

A Horseman in Nankin.

This time it's a change, but why change a figure already exists when the market? Just look at the photo .... Marbot The Crests of a figure is virtually flat!

So the idea is to increase volumes. For the legs is easy ... just change them while the chest after having made a copy in resin just add a little 'behind the stucco ...

... I forgot ... are also the arms.


Monday, August 24, 2009

Lindsay Dawn On Planetsuzy

Officer of Zouaves (fourth and penultimate part ...)

After a settling period coinciding with a little 'vacation I have taken over and over.

The last part, as always, on my site when it is painted. Henry

Friday, July 3, 2009

How Long To Clear Clymidia Symptoms

Officer of Zouaves (third party)

Here are the changes immagni posture that the BIG GUN STEFANO suggested to me, an interesting meeting in Trieste, some enlightening mail and decide to act first ... a "strike" under the walls of jigsaw to try to straighten the "situation" ...

... then a cut above the town but the left arm there is way more then that too ...

... the original draft at this point is a bit 'upset but now I like it.
Thanks Steph!

more ...


Broken Capillaries Back Cancer

Officer of Zouaves ... (Part Two) Another

It 's almost over but ... I convince you? Perhaps not ... more

more ...


Camcorder Professional Second

Zouave ....( Part One)

stubbornly retrying with my development, for the umpteenth time I change the components of the dummy start and forced the anatomy. Convince me!

more ...


Friday, April 24, 2009

Nausea And Brown Discharge

Hawkin's zuaves - Civil War American

Completely homebuilt or better ... with the head of Sean Connery with a set of hands and Andrea Miniatures cloned resin pieces Metal Modeles here is my interpretation of a famous subject of ACWar.

... and curious ... a color picture ...


Friday, April 3, 2009

Arms Behind Babies A Sign Of Autism

ADC Rapp (part two)

The sculpture is completed.

The third part, the subject painting soon on my site .


Fire Sprinkler Electrical Danger

ADC Rapp

Finally an update ...
Glad to come back to me alive is my latest creation. An aide of Gen. Rapp in 1813/15, initially drawn from a table of the line where it was represented by shabraque fur leopard. Instead, I decided to do a little 'less rich in order to better set in action, choice Lagrenée documented by the famous painting of an excerpt below.
