The Red Carpet & Sport Management, a leader in the field of management and services for athletes, has SuperPippo , the first application for iPhone and iPod Touch, dedicated to none other than champion Filippo Inzaghi. The application is dedicated to the iPhone platform downloadable on Appstore (just go to this link or search on iTunes or App Store SuperPippo) during the promotional period, the launch price of € 1.59 instead of 2, 39 €.
The application will contain all the inside news on the sample, biography, and an overview of the presence of the player during last season, with lots of charts and lists of records. A review
web to date, viewed directly from the application, will always have at hand all necessary information for those who do not want to miss an appointment with the champion Filippo Inzaghi.
Application Superpippo by Red Carpet Sport will also contain a novelty: a direct channel of communication with the athlete in order to establish an instantaneous contact between the sample and its fans.
A complete application, designed for the true supporters of Pippo Inzaghi.
Buying SuperPippo AppStore during the promotional period, the launch price of € 1.59, will include, where available, all updates already planned for the full version of the application, available in the weeks after the offer price 2, 39 €. The updates are going to implement some features Software: videogallery with photos and pictures never seen before.
What are the next champions who will take on the Red Carpet Sports IPhone? Stay Tuned.
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