Friday, March 11, 2011

Alguien Ha Comprado En Underwear-wholesaler

Christian Panucci and Alessia Filippi players on the dance floor

Red Carpet & Sport Management has officially ended the operation that led to two large samples of Italian sport to join the cast of the seventh edition of " Dancing with the Stars ", broadcast by Rai Uno on Saturday, February 26: Christian Panucci , a former soccer player, and Alessia Filippi , swimming champion.

Christian Panucci, who retired in 2010 from the football player, is now a commentator on Sky Sports and confessed amused from this opportunity that is being made.

Even Alessia Filippi won the gold medal in swimming at the last Olympics in 2008 in Rome, not wait to start and is satisfied that this experience give the right energy and determination necessary to recover from injury in the shoulder that forced her, in recent times, away from the tanks.

So after last year's collaboration for the participation of Margherita Granbassi and two great champions like Carl Lewis and Federica Pellegrini in "Dancer for a night, "Red Carpet places another blow to one of the most popular entertainment programs at the national level .


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